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Printy Line date stamps

Always up to date - Printys with date customized text or various stock texts and with numbers or text bands. Easy setting of date numbers or text bands by turning the wheels.
  • Printy 4724

    Imprintsize: 40 x 40 mm, Fontsize date: 3 mm, max. 6 lines more…
      CHF 55.70

    Printy 4724

    Imprintsize: 40 x 40 mm, Fontsize date: 3 mm, max. 6 lines more…
    CHF 55.70
  • Printy 4750

    Imprint size up to 41 x 24 mm with centered date 4mm date font size Ideal for 2 lines of text with 4mm font size
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 45.20

    Printy 4750

    Imprint size up to 41 x 24 mm with centered date 4mm date font size Ideal for 2 lines of text with 4mm font size
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 45.20
  • Printy 4810

    Printy line date stamp, Fontsize of date: 3.8 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 10.30

    Printy 4810

    Printy line date stamp, Fontsize of date: 3.8 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 10.30
  • Printy 4813

    Imprintsize: 26 x 9 mm + date, Fontsize: 3,8 mm, max. 2 line
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 30.50

    Printy 4813

    Imprintsize: 26 x 9 mm + date, Fontsize: 3,8 mm, max. 2 line
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 30.50
  • Printy 4816

    Climate-Neutral. As standard. Date size: 3,8 mm more…
      CHF 63.30

    Printy 4816

    Climate-Neutral. As standard. Date size: 3,8 mm more…
    CHF 63.30
  • Printy 4816/PL

    Printy Double Dater with Text Imprint size: 51.5 x 5 mm Font size of date: 3.8 mm more…
      CHF 65.30

    Printy 4816/PL

    Printy Double Dater with Text Imprint size: 51.5 x 5 mm Font size of date: 3.8 mm more…
    CHF 65.30
  • Printy 4820

    Printy line date stamp, Fontsize date: 4 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 19.30

    Printy 4820

    Printy line date stamp, Fontsize date: 4 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 19.30
  • Printy 4846

    Printy line numberer: with 6 characters; size: 4 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 22.40

    Printy 4846

    Printy line numberer: with 6 characters; size: 4 mm
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 22.40
  • Printy 4850

    Imprintsize: 25 x 5 mm, Fontsize date: 3,8 mm, max. 1 lines
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
      CHF 27.60

    Printy 4850

    Imprintsize: 25 x 5 mm, Fontsize date: 3,8 mm, max. 1 lines
    Climate-neutral. As standard. more…
    CHF 27.60